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Author Guidelines

The Chronos: Journal of Ivane Javakhishvili
Institute of History and Ethnology


       1. Article submission procedure

  • The article should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or PDF format (by email to Indicate the author’s (authors’) full name, position, institutional affiliation, telephone number and email address. The specified data should be placed on the title page. The name and surname of the author should not be indicated on the first page of the article, where the title of the article will be given. Based on the journal’s anonymous review policy, the materials in the article should also not allow the author to be identified.
  • The submitted manuscript is reviewed by the editorial board of the journal. If the article meets the required standards, it will pass an anonymous peer review, the results will be reported to the author. If the author does not agree with the comments of the reviewer, the article may be sent for additional review. The editorial board of the journal makes the final decision on the publication of the article.
  • Articles in the journal are published in Georgian and English languages.
  • The paper submission deadline is June 1, of each calendar year.
  • The Chronos is a free publication journal.


Address of the editorial office:
Journal “The Chronos”
Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of
History and Ethnology, 
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi
State University.
University Str. N2, Build. 11
0186 Tbilisi, Georgia
Email Address:

For information please contact the editorial board of the journal (Editor-in-Chief: Aleksandre Tvaradze; email address:

       2. Article Formatting Guidelines
Submissions that do not adhere to the technical parameters may be returned to authors.
When preparing an article, consider the following recommendations: a) The text must be written in the Word program. b) Standard program settings are sufficient for text formatting.
The article should be written in A4 format; in the main text, the font size should be 12 pt, apply 1.5 line spacing; in footnotes (notes), the font size – 10, and the line spacing – 1.0. Set 20 mm page margins on the top, below and left of the text  and 30 mm on the right.

2.1.Volume of Article
The text, footnotes, notes and bibliography (except abstracts, and descriptions of illustrations and tables) should not exceed 7,000 words. Depending on the importance of the material, the editors could make an exception.

2.2. Fonts
Fonts used: For Georgian texts _! Kolkhety, for texts in European languages – Times New Roman, for other languages – Unicode

2.3 Main Text

  • Place the title in the centre at the beginning of the article, (font size 14, bold).
  • Possible subheadings should also be centred (font size 12, bold). Subheadings are marked with Arabic numerals.


2.4 Citing text from a source or scientific literature

  • A citation from a source or scientific work is typed in regular font and enclosed in double quotation marks: “...”. Citation in a citation is enclosed in single quotation marks: ‘...’.
  • Places omitted by the author of the article in the cited text are marked with an ellipsis in square brackets [...]. Individual changes in the quoted text must also be enclosed in square brackets.
  • When using round and square brackets simultaneously, square brackets both quoted and directly in the text of the article, should be placed within, into round brackets (... [ ...] ...).
  • Cited text is usually followed by closing quotation marks and then a punctuation mark, for example: ”, ”.
  • In case of citing a text from a foreign language, the Georgian translation should be included in the main text of the article, and the citation in the original language should be included in the footnote.


2.5 Highlighting, separating and emphasizing information
Specific terms (concepts) in foreign languages should be italicized. Citations and headings are enclosed in double quotes. Single quotes (‘...’) separate a single term from which the author wants to distance himself, or which is not used in the usual sense in a particular context, or sounds anachronistic.
In general, relevant important information in the article should be highlighted by the spacing between letters.    


       3. Citation Guide and Reference List

  • Footnote numbers in the main text appear in numerical order.
  • Footnotes are renumbered on each new page.
  • The footnote number is placed after the punctuation mark, and within the sentence directly next to the term (concept) or word it explains.
  • It is not desirable to place a footnote number in the titles of an article, a chapter or a sub-chapter.
  • When referring to an individual author, both in the text and in footnotes, the initial (or initials) should be used instead of the first When referring to the corresponding author in the text, the initials and surname of the author should not be preceded by terms denoting different academic ranks, for example, “academician”, “professor” or their abbreviations “academician”, “prof.” , etc.
  • In the Georgian text, century/centuries are marked with Roman numerals, and in the English text with Arabic numerals.
  • Footnotes (notes) should end with a full stop. Different cited works in the same footnote are separated from each other by a semicolon.   In a separate citation, additional information is written in square brackets: for example, [printed, manuscript, year of publication not specified, etc.].
  • If on the same page different works of the same author follow each other in a footnote, then the abbreviation “idem” is used instead of the author’s surname, and for the same work immediately before, the abbreviation “ibid”.
  • If the source or literature is cited from another work, it should be noted: “cited from” and then indicate the complete data necessary for the verification of the scientific work.
  • The number of the journal and the volume of the book are indicated according to the original (in Arabic or Roman numerals).
  • Basically, citation is done according to the relevant data on the title page of the monograph, journal, collection, etc. However in all cases, the initial(s) are indicated instead of the name(s) of the author(s) or the editor(s).
  • It is recommended to use historical-critical editions of sources.
  • If there are several editions of a work, the place and date of publication are preceded by the number of the edition, e. “Second edition”.
  • If reprinted, indicate “Repr.”
  • Write concrete page numbers completely, e.g.: pp. 281-284.
  • Two or more authors or two places of publication are separated by commas.
  • In case of multiple places of publication, as a rule, only the first, or the first two, are indicated.
  • The Heading of the list of references attached to the article is "Cited Sources and Literature". References should be arranged alphabetically in the following order: archival funds, manuscript sources, published sources, and scientific literature. Georgian language literature is listed first, then – foreign language literature in the following order: Latin script, Cyrillic, Greek, Armenian and others.
  • Each reference entry begins with the shortened form of the reference in bold as cited in the footnote followed by a dash and full information about the cited work.
  • When citing, a footnote provides only some information about the source or scientific literature (author’s surname, main word, several words or phrases from the title, page/pages). The corresponding publication in full form is placed in the alphabetical list of references, which is attached to the article.
  • Literature cited in the footnotes should fully correspond to the material given in the reference list of the article.
  • The following symbols should be used in newly published lapidary texts: ( ) Scribal abbreviations or sigla; [ ] restored places; < > extra letter carved by the author of the inscription; { } letter accidentally omitted by the author of the inscription; . . . an unknown number of missing letters of the text; - - - estimated number of letters of the missing text (each line represents one letter); (?) doubtful reading; (!) Doubtful, but unclear reading; | selection of the original line; || line transition to the second stone slab; // Text written above the line; + added letter or word; - missing letter or word; ] This part of the text is printed as follows (see Corpus of Georgian Inscriptions I, Lapidary Inscriptions I, Eastern and Southern Georgia [5th - 10th   centuries], compiled and prepared for printing by N. Shoshiashvili, Tbilisi, 1980, p. 325).  
  • In the texts of unpublished documents, the following symbols should be used: ( ) Scribal abbreviations or sigla; [ ] restored places; [±] approximate number of missing letters; [5] the Exact number of missing letters; ... the unknown number of missing letters; { } Places inadvertently omitted by the writer and restored in the edition; < > extra places; [[ ]] Places removed by the author himself; | selecton of original line; || selection of original folio; // // text written on margins (margin location is indicated in the footnote); ~ to move words for variant readings; r the front side of the document; v the back of the document; + added a letter or a word; – missing a  letter or a word; ] This part of the text is printed in one or another edition as follows (see Corpus of Georgian historical documents, I, Georgian historical documents of the 9th -13th centuries, compiled and prepared for publication by T. Enukidze, V. Silogava, N. Shoshiashvili, Tbilisi, 1984, p. 15).


3.1 Citing Published Sources
In published source citations, the title of the source is given in italics, and the rest of the data is written in normal font. Information about the editor of the source is placed in the reference list according to the data provided on the title page of the book.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ცხოვრება მეფეთ-მეფისა დავითისიცხოვრება მეფეთ-მეფისა დავითისი, ტექსტი გამოსაცემად მოამზადა, გამოკვლევა, ლექსიკონი და საძიებლები დაურთო მ. შანიძემ, თბილისი, 1992.
The Life of David, King of KingsThe Life of David, King of Kings, the text studied and with dictionary and index was prepared for  publication by M. Shanidze, Tbilisi, 1992 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ცხოვრება მეფეთ-მეფისა დავითისი, გვ. 15.
The Life of David, King of Kings, p. 15.

3.2 Citing a Book      
Citations from books should be arranged according to the following form and order: in the reference list, after the shortened form of reference in bold, should be written the author’s surname and initials, the title  (in italics), subheading (if any; in italics), volume (if any), series (if any), edition (if there are several editions), place of publication, year of publication.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ბერძენიშვილი, გზები რუსთაველის ეპოქის საქართველოშიბერძენიშვილი ნ.,  გზები რუსთაველის ეპოქის საქართველოში, თბილისი, 1966.
Berdzenishvili, Roads in Rustaveli Era Georgia - Berdzenishvili N., Roads in Rustaveli Era Georgia, Tbilisi, 1966 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ბერძენიშვილი, გზები რუსთაველის ეპოქის საქართველოში, გვ. 10.
Berdzenishvili, Roads in Rustaveli Era Georgia, p. 10.

3.3 Publication with four or more authors
If a paper has four or more authors give only the first author’s name followed by „et al.“ in the footnotes. In the bibliography, all authors should be named. In the case of three or fewer authors, all authors must be listed in a footnote.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
აბაშიძე (და სხვა), ყოველი საქართველო – აბაშიძე ზ., ვაშაკიძე ვ., მირიანაშვილი ნ., ჭეიშვილი გ., ყოველი საქართველო (ქართული სახელმწიფოს ისტორიული საზღვრები უძველესი დროიდან დღემდე), თბილისი, 2014.
Abashidze (et al.), All Georgia ‒ Abashidze Zaza, Vashakidze Valeri, Mirianashvili Natia, Cheishvili Giorgi, All Georgia (Historical frontiers of the Georgian State since ancient times until today), Tbilisi, 2014 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
აბაშიძე (და სხვა), ყოველი საქართველო, გვ. 10.
Abashidze (et al.), All Georgia, p. 10.

3.4   Journal Article
When citing an article from a journal, the title of the article should be written in italics, and the name of the journal should be enclosed in quotation marks. If the journal is published every year successively (for example, the first issue of the Journal was published in 2000, the second one in 2001, etc.), the corresponding number of the journal is placed after the title, before the year of publication. If the corresponding number of the journal refers only to one of the issues published in a specific year, its number is placed after the year of publication and the Latin ‘N’ is written in front of it. Pages of the articles in journals or collections, as well as individual sources in the respective publications, should be cited in full in the bibliography. 
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ყაუხჩიშვილი, ესქილეს „სპარსელები“ – ყაუხჩიშვილი თ., ესქილეს „სპარსელები“ და ჰეროდოტეს „ისტორია“, „ქართული წყაროთმცოდნეობა“, 5, 1978, გვ. 5-19.
Qaukhchishvili, „The Persians“ of Aeschylus ‒ Qaukhchishvili Tinatin, „The Persians“ of Aeschylus and „Histories“ of Herodotus, „Georgian Source-Studies“, 5, 1978, pp. 5-19 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ყაუხჩიშვილი, ესქილეს „სპარსელები“, გვ. 5.
Qaukhchishvili, „The Persians“ of Aeschylus, p. 5.

3.5 Article in a Collection of Works
Give the title of the article in italics and the title of the collection in quotation marks, and indicate the editor of the book.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ალექსიძე, არსენი საფარელის წყაროებისათვის – ალექსიძე ზ., არსენი საფარელის წყაროებისათვის, „ივანე ჯავახიშვილის დაბადების 100 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი საიუბილეო კრებული“, რედ. გ. მელიქიშვილი, თბილისი, 1976, გვ. 209-217.
Aleksidze, For the Sources of Arsenius of Sapara ‒ Aleksidze Zaza, For the Sources of Arsenius of Sapara, „Festschrift on the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Ivane Javakhishvili“, ed. by Giorgi Melikishvili, Tbilisi, 1976, pp. 209-217 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ალექსიძე, არსენი საფარელის წყაროებისათვის, გვ. 209.
Aleksidze, For the Sources of Arsenius of Sapara, p. 209.

3.6 Work in a complete collection of works
by one author or in a publication
prepared by different authors
In the bibliography the citation of the work of a concrete author, which is included in the multivolume collection of the same author’s works should be formed as follows:  author’s last name,  first name initials, the title of the work (in italics); the note: “in the book”; “idem” instead of the author’s name; then, the data on a specific volume of the multi-volume book (the title is written in italics) and, finally, the pages of the work.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ჯავახიშვილი, ქართველი ერის ისტორია, წგნ. II – ჯავახიშვილი ივ., ქართველი ერის ისტორია, წგნ. II, წიგნში: მისივე, თხზულებანი თორმეტ ტომად, ტ. II, თბილისი, 1983, გვ. 06-08, 1-449.
Javakhishvili, History of the Georgian Nation, Book II - Javakhishvili Iv., History of the Georgian Nation, Book II, in the book: idem, works in twelve volumes, Vol. II, Tbilisi, 1983, p. 06-08, 1-449 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ჯავახიშვილი, ქართველი ერის ისტორია, წგნ. II, გვ. 50.
Javakhishvili, History of the Georgian Nation, Book II, p. 50.

Bibliography Entry (full citation):
ჯანაშია, საქართველო ადრინდელი ფეოდალიზაციის გზაზე – ჯანაშია ს., საქართველო ადრინდელი ფეოდალიზაციის გზაზე, წიგნში: მისივე, შრომები, ტ. I, თბილისი, 1949, გვ. 129-296.
Janashia, Georgia on the way to early feudalism – Janashia, Georgia on the way to early feudalism,  Idem, Works, Vol. I, Tbilisi, 1949, pp. 129-296 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ჯანაშია, საქართველო ადრინდელი ფეოდალიზაციის გზაზე, გვ. 129.
Janashia, Georgia on the way to early feudalism, p. 129.

If we cite the work of the corresponding author, which is included in the publication, where individual parts of the book have different authors, the data in the bibliography is placed in the following form and order: author’s last name and initial/initials of the first name; Title of the paper (in italics); the name of the relevant book in quotation marks, where the said work is included; volume number (if any); Chief/Responsible Editor; place and year of publication; Paper pages.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ლორთქიფანიძე, საქართველო XI ს. ბოლოსა და XII ს. პირველ მეოთხედში. დავით IV აღმაშენებელი – ლორთქიფანიძე მ., საქართველო XI ს. ბოლოსა და XII ს. პირველ მეოთხედში. დავით IV აღმაშენებელი, „საქართველოს ისტორიის ნარკვევები“, ტ. III (საქართველო XI-XV საუკუნეებში), ტომის რედაქტორები: ზ. ანჩაბაძე, ვ. გუჩუა, თბილისი, 1979, გვ. 210-262.
Lortkipandze, Georgia at the end of the 11th and in the first quarter of the 12th century. Davit IV Aghmashenebeli – Lortkipandze M., Georgia at the end of the 11th and in the first quarter of the 12th century. Davit IV Aghmashenebeli, „Studies in the History of Georgia“, Vol. III (Georgia in 11th-15th centuries), Editors of the Volume: Z. Anchabadze, V. Guchua, Tbilisi, 1979, pp. 210-262 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ლორთქიფანიძე, საქართველო XI ს. ბოლოსა და XII ს. პირველ მეოთხედში. დავით IV აღმაშენებელი, გვ. 210.
Lortkipandze, Georgia at the end of the 11th and in the first quarter of the 12th century. Davit IV Aghmashenebeli, p. 210.

3.7 Dissertation
When citing a dissertation, as in other cases, the data must be given in full from the title page. The title of the work should be written in italics.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation)
მესხია, ხელოსნობა ძველ საქართველოში – მესხია შ., ხელოსნობა ძველ საქართველოში (V-XVII სს.), ისტორიის მეცნიერებათა კანდიდატის სამეცნიერო ხარისხის მოსაპოვებლად წარმოდგენილი სადისერტაციო ნაშრომი, თბილისი, 1942.
Meskhia, Craftsmanship in ancient Georgia – Meskhia Sh., Craftsmanship in ancient Georgia (5th-17th centuries), Dissertation, Tbilisi, 1942.
Footnote (shortened citation):
მესხია, ხელოსნობა ძველ საქართველოში, გვ. 30.
Meskhia, Craftsmanship in ancient Georgia, p. 30.

3.8 Guidelines for citing Collection of sources, descriptions, translated monuments, collections of documents, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.
When citing a collection of sources (for example, “The Georgian Chronicle”), indicate the author first, then the title of the work in italics, the name of the collection in quotation marks; then the place and date of publication and pages; indicate entire pages of the relevant written sources.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ბერი ეგნატაშვილი, ახალი ქართლის ცხოვრება. პირველი ტექსტი – ბერი ეგნატაშვილი, ახალი ქართლის ცხოვრება. პირველი ტექსტი, „ქართლის ცხოვრება“, ტ. II, ტექსტი დადგენილი ყველა ძირითადი ხელნაწერის მიხედვით ს. ყაუხჩიშვილის მიერ, თბილისი, 1959, გვ. 326-442.
Beri Egnatashvili, The New Georgian Chronicle, The first text – Beri Egnatashvili, The New Georgian Chronicle, The first text, „Kartlis Tskhovreba“ [“The  Georgian Chronicle”], Vol. II, The text is verified from all major manuscripts by S. Qaukhchishvili, Tbilisi, 1959, pp. 326-442 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ბერი ეგნატაშვილი, ახალი ქართლის ცხოვრება. პირველი ტექსტი, გვ. 330.
Beri Egnatashvili, The New Georgian Chronicle. The first text, p. 330.

When citing a description, the data must be provided according to the information on the title page of the book. The title of the paper is italicised.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ქართულ ხელნაწერთა აღწერილობა, (S) კოლექცია, ტ. III – ქართულ ხელნაწერთა აღწერილობა: ყოფილი ქართველთა შორის წერა-კითხვის გამავრცელებელი საზოგადოების (S) კოლექციისა, ტ. III, შედგენილია და დასაბეჭდად დამზადებული: თ. ენუქიძის, ე. მეტრეველის, მ. ქავთარიას, ლ. ქუთათელაძის, მ. შანიძის და ქრ. შარაშიძის მიერ, ე. მეტრეველის რედაქციით, თბილისი, 1963.
Description of the Georgian Manuscripts, (S) Collection, Vol. IIIDescription of Georgian Manuscripts, Collection (S) of the Former  Society for Spreading Literacy among Georgians, Vol. III, compiled and prepared for publication by T. Enukidze, E. Metreveli, M. Kavtaria, L. Kutateladze and Chr. Sharashidze, edited by E. Metreveli Tbilisi, 1963 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ქართულ ხელნაწერთა აღწერილობა, (S) კოლექცია, ტ. III, გვ. 15.
Description of the Georgian Manuscripts, (S) Collection, Vol. III, p. 15.

When citing translated works included in a collection, information should be given in the following form and order: the author, title of the work (in italics), the title of the collection (in quotation marks), volume number (if any), editor’s last name and initial/initials of the first name,  place of publication, date (data indicated usually on the title page) and relevant pages.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation)
მიქელ პანარეტოსი, [ტრაპიზონის ქრონიკა] – მიქელ პანარეტოსი, [ტრაპიზონის ქრონიკა], „გეორგიკა, ბიზანტიელი მწერლების ცნობები საქართველოს შესახებ“, ტომი მეშვიდე, ტექსტები ქართული თარგმანითურთ გამოსცა, განმარტებები დაურთო ს. ყაუხჩიშვილმა, თბილისი, 1967, გვ. 165-214.
Michael Panaretos, [The Chronicle of Trebizond] – Michael Panaretos, [The Chronicle of Trebizond], “Georgica, the reports of the Byzantine authors about Georgia”, Vol. VII, text with Georgian translation and comments was prepared and published by S. Qaukhchishvili. Tbilisi, 1967, pp. 165-214 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
მიქელ პანარეტოსი, [ტრაპიზონის ქრონიკა], გვ. 165.
Michael Panaretos, [The Chronicle of Trebizond], p. 165.

When citing a collection of documents, the bibliography includes only the name of the collection of documents with a reference to the editor. The title of the collection is italicized.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ქართული ისტორიული საბუთების კორპუსი, Iქართული ისტორიული საბუთების კორპუსი, I, შეადგინეს და გამოსაცემად მოამზადეს თ. ენუქიძემ, ვ. სილოგავამ, ნ. შოშიაშვილმა, თბილისი, 1984.
Georgian Historical Documents, I – Georgian Historical Documents, I, compiled and prepared for publication by T. Enukidze, V. Silogava, N. Shoshiashvili, Tbilisi, 1984 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ქართული ისტორიული საბუთების კორპუსი, I, გვ. 32.
Georgian Historical Documents, I, p. 32.

To cite an encyclopedia article in the bibliography entry author’s surname and first name initials should be written first, if this data is given with the article. In the case of indicating the author only with the initials, they are placed in parentheses. The title of the article should be italicized, and the name of the encyclopedia is enclosed in quotation marks. Then follows the corresponding volume (if any) and if there are several editions, the appropriate edition number should be mentioned. In the end, the publication date and complete information about the relevant pages are placed. If the encyclopedia has the form of a collection consisting of scientific articles by different authors, in such a case, the publisher of the encyclopedia and the place of publication of the encyclopedia should be also indicated.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
(T. S. B.), Herodotus – (T. S. B.), Herodotus, “The New Encyclopaedia Britannica”, Vol. 8, 15th Edition, 1976, pp. 820-822.
Footnote (shortened citation):
(T. S. B.), Herodotus, “The New Encyclopaedia Britannica”, Vol. 8, p. 820.

Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
Historiography, „Britannica Concise Encyclopedia“Historiography, „Britannica Concise Encyclopedia“, 2006, p. 879.
Footnote (shortened citation):
Historiography, „Britannica Concise Encyclopedia“, p. 879.

Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
Soderberg, Cities: Europe  – Soderberg J., Cities: Europe, „Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Medieval World“, Ed. in Chief P. J. Crabtree, New York, 2008, pp. 198-203.
Footnote (shortened citation):
Soderberg, Cities: Europe, p. 198.

3.9  Articles from Newspapers and General profile periodicals
When citing material from a newspaper or a general profile periodical, the data in the bibliography should be given in the following order: author’s last name, first name initials, the title of the article  (in italics);   put “Newspaper”/”Journ.” before the name of the periodical, the name of the periodical in quotation marks; year of publication, N – to indicate a special issue of the journal, the specific number, date / month pages.
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
ხახანაშვილი, პარიზის ნაციონალური ბიბლიოთეკის ქართული ხელნაწერები  – ხახანაშვილი ა., პარიზის ნაციონალური ბიბლიოთეკის ქართული ხელნაწერები, ჟურნ. „მოამბე“, 1898, N1, იანვარი, გვ. 1-20.
Khakhanashvili, Georgian manuscripts of the National Library of Paris - Khakhanashvili A., Georgian manuscripts of the National Library of Paris, Journ. "Moambe", 1898, N1, January, pp. 1-20 (in Georgian).
Footnote (shortened citation):
ხახანაშვილი, პარიზის ნაციონალური ბიბლიოთეკის ქართული ხელნაწერები, გვ. 1.
Khakhanashvili, Georgian manuscripts of the National Library of Paris, p. 1.

3.10 Website content
For web citations, the reference list provides complete information about the material: the author’s surname and initials instead of the name (names), the title of the article (in italics), the name of the electronic source or website located on the Internet (in quotation marks), website address.  The last access date to the material is in parentheses. 
Bibliography Entry    (full citation):
Vann, Historiography  – Vann R. T., Historiography, Electronic encyclopedia: “Britannica”, (accessed: 20.10.2020).
Footnote (shortened citation):
Vann, Historiography.

      4. Guidlines for Preparing a Summary
Each article must have a summary in English. When formatting the summary of the article (font size, spacing between lines, etc.), follow the same rules for formatting the main text. The volume of the summary should be about 250-500 words. The summary comes after the list of references. In the title, the   principal words are capitalized.

      5. Book Review Guidelines
When submitting a Book Review be sure to follow the rules established for articles (instead of notes in the text, short references should be inserted). Information about the book under review should be presented in the following form: the first name initials of the author and the last name, the title of the book (in italics), number of volumes and series (if any), name of publisher, place of publication, a year or other additional information, for example, ISBN, etc., (according to the title page). References, which must be verified in the review, are placed directly in the text in regular brackets (author’s initial instead of first name, last name, the title of work [in italics],  series and volume number [if available], place of publication, year of publication and pages). The exact quotation from the book under review is written in regular font and enclosed in quotation marks. At the end of the quotation, the corresponding page is indicated in brackets, for example, “(p. 150)”. 

      6. Recommended Abbreviations for the Journals
For abbreviations in Georgian, see the Georgian version of the publication rules. For additional guidance use abbreviations on the same page (from the book – Ani and Georgia: Essays, materials [Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Institute of Art History and Theory], Vol. 1-3, Editor: Z. Skhirtladze, Tbilisi, 2020).
For recommended abbreviations, see also: Dumbarton Oaks list of abbreviations:

      7. Illustrative Materials (Photo, Plan, Graphics, Drawing, etc.)
In the printed version of the journal, an illustration (photo, graphic image, etc.) will be given in black and white. The author must present the material   electronically, in colored/black-and-white illustrations (not less than 300 dpi). Please also provide illustrations separately in "JPG" files. The material can be placed both in the text and at the end of the article. Each illustration should have a corresponding explanation in the language of the article. Translation of explanations for illustrations in the form of a list (in Georgian or English) should be placed at the end of the article. The author and source must be indicated along with the material. The editors are not responsible for the copyright of the illustrations presented. The author must have permission from the copyright holder to publish the copyrighted illustrations or figures in the journal. For a list of illustrations, use the heading: Illustrations.

      8. Technical Guidelines

8.1 Georgian Spelling dictionaries
For  Georgian spelling Issues, you may focus on electronic dictionaries, which are posted on the websites of  Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, TSU  and  Language Modeling Association:



Guidelines for Authors (pdf)

Anisi 1 (pdf)

Anisi 2 (pdf)

Anisi 3 (pdf)


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