Everday Life in Trialeti (South Caucasus) in the Middle and the Second Half of the 2nd Millenium B. C.


  • Nino Shanshashvili Georgian National Museum
  • Goderdzi Narimanishvili Georgian National Museum


Archaeological and interdisciplinary studies conducted in Trialeti make possible to reconstruct the topography, planning, architectural view and interior of Trialeti settlements dated from the middle and the second half of the 2nd mill. B. C. Aeroarchaelogical, geodesic, paleobotanical, paleozoological, anthropological and palynological studies of the Trialeti settlements of this period have been conducted. Several dozens of settlements, citadels and cemeteries were studied archaeologically. Important data on the everyday life of Trialeti population of the middle and the second half of the 2nd mill. B. C. was received during the excavations of Jinisi, Beshtasheni and Sabechdavi settlements and Sapar-Kharaba cemetery. In the middle and the second half of the 2nd mill. B. C. population of Trialeti mainly chose the southern slopes of the Trialeti mountain range. Generally, settlements were situated on the tops or slopes of hills or mountains, on the banks of rivers or lakes. In the Late Bronze Age the dead were buried far from the settlements in specially constructed cemeteries.

It is possible to speak about everyday life of the local population, their occupation, clothing and diet, as well as about some religious beliefs. Main occupation of Trialeti population was agriculture and cattle-breeding. They grew crops and practiced gardening. Important was the sphere of cattle-breeding. Breeding of small and large cattle, including horse breeding, used to be popular.

Such fields of craftsmanship as pottery, metallurgy, weaving, carpentry and works on stone, bone and leather played an important role in everyday life of Trialeti people. Also a war and trade was a part of their life.






