Definition of the Concept of Author
Autorship of a manuscript should be limited to those persons who have contributed substantially to the conception, design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation of the study. A co-author is an individual who has made a significant intellectual contribution to the research and writing of the journal article, sharing responsibility and accountability for the results of the published work. If the article has multiple authors, one co-author is designated as the corresponding author, acting as the primary point of contact with the journal's editorial board. The corresponding author is responsible for submitting the final version of the article, approved by all co-authors, to the editorial board; informing co-authors of any issues raised by the editorial board and considering their comments; handling all correspondence related to the article; signing the publication agreement on behalf of all co-authors. Additionally, any individuals who contributed to the preparation of the article, if applicable, should be acknowledged at an appropriate point in the article.