„კერძი“ – ნათესავის საკრალური მნიშვნელობისათვის
The notion of kinship has a broad meaning, encompassing the key events of human relationships. The article analyzes one of the forms of artificial kinship,– “k’erdzi”, “dak’erdzeba” (Fosterage), which arose in relations with North Caucasians in the mountains of Western Georgia (Rach’a-Lechkhum-Svaneti) and, despite political transformations, has not completely lost its significance. This is a pan-Caucasian phenomenon of artificial kinships, such as kunakship, amanatship and the like. K’erdzi, often found in the Bible (New Testament books), basically means “side”, “other side”, “right or left side”, “behind the side”, etc. It is significant that the traditional understanding of “K’erdzi” in Georgian coincides with its sacral meaning, which confirms the biblical thinking of the Georgian people.
“K’erdzo” in old Georgian written sources means “side” and also “being on someone’s side”, or “a supporter”. Additionally, it signifies ownership and belonging. This meaning has been preserved in both the vocabulary and the spoken language of Georgians. Therefore, the Svan prayer, “Let all K’erdzis on both sides of the Caucasus be blessed”, perceives both Northern and Southern Caucasians as supporters without distinction. The sacredness of becoming K’erdzi as a national tradition is confirmed by ethnographic field material.
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