ერთი ეპიზოდი ხიხანის ციხის ისტორიიდან


  • დავით მინდორაშვილი საქართველოს ეროვნული მუზეუმი, ოთარ ლორთქიფანიძის სახელობის არქეოლოგიური კვლევების ინსტიტუტი


Khikhani fortress is located on the border of Adjara and Shavsheti, on the left bank of the Khikhanis-Tskali River, on an impregnable rock (coordinates: X 0296895, Y 4601756) (Tab. I1-2, II). In 2013-2017, archaeological excavations were carried out on the territory of the fortress. Besides the buildings of the 10th-13th centuries, small dugouts of dry masonry of a later period were found here; a hearth was also found in some of them (Table II, III2-7, IV). At that time, I considered the mentioned buildings to have been built by the Ottoman conquerors in the 17th-18th centuries. Further research showed that the Ottomans had no contact with Khikhani fortress until 1815. These buildings must be related with the events that took place on the territory of the fortress in the early 19th century.

It is known that in 1803 the ruler of Zemo (Upper) Adjara, Selim-bek Khimshiashvili, captured Pashalik of Akhaltsikhe and finally, he disobeyed the Ottoman sultan. Selim knew well that he would definitely had to fight the Sultan’s army. Therefore, in 1812-1815, in order to strengthen positions, he reliably fortified the Khikhani fortress. In addition to repairing the old ramparts and towers, Selim and his comrades built small buildings on the castle grounds and outside the ramparts. Some of them had the function of a warehouse. Buildings with chimneys were supposed to become posts of the Khikhani guards and observation posts.

In 1815, Selim Khimshiashvili and his 400 fighters, who fortified themselves in the fortress of Khikhani, were besieged by the Sultan’s army. Part of the material depicting this battle – 166 cannon shells – was traced in the oval-walled building of the castle (Plate III3,9). The shells belonged to the fortress guards, whose ammunition remained unused. Unable to do anything by force, the Ottomans, after two months of fighting, tricked Selim out of the fortress. On June 3 he was executed.

Thus, the later buildings of Khikhani should have appeared on the fortress in 1812-1815, after Selim-bek Khimshiashvili openly opposed the Ottoman Empire and chose the Khikhani fortress as the main stronghold in the fight against numerous enemies.


