მეხსიერების ადგილების ტრანსფორმაცია: მემორიალთა ახალი მნიშვნელობებით დატვირთვა პოსტსაბჭოთა საქართველოში


  • ქეთევან ხუციშვილი ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის ისტორიისა და ეთნოლოგიის ინსტიტუტი


A memory study is one of the interdisciplinary and actual research topics. The importance of the issue is defined by its connection to such problems as the construction of identity, the strengthening of the internal connections of the group, the transmission of cultural characteristics to the generations, and therefore the analyses of functioning of society and culture. Study of memory and memorization is principally important for societies in the stage transformation, especially in the postsocialist and post-soviet space where the issue of revision of „official“ history has been extremely acute. The collapse of the Soviet political and ideological system has caused a change of all elements of the social and cultural structure of society in the entire post-Soviet space, including Georgia. The replacement of the old values caused the need for alteration of their symbols. In addition, the only replacement appeared not to be enough and the old symbols were confronted and destroyed. These processes can be explained by the use of the memory theories („mnemohistory“, „embodied mind theory“, etc.). Some of the researchers focus on material culture as a means of coding memory for the public. Often the monuments are created to remember certain values, events, and personalities. In order to forget them, it is necessary to deconstruct the same monuments. The paper will analyze the attitude to the Soviet past in Georgia on the example of demolition of monuments. In 2011, adoption of the „Charter of Freedom“ by the Parliament of Georgia has supported the eradication of the Soviet symbols. This fact provided legal basis for deconstruction of Soviet period monuments. Based on the several examples, three main approaches have been identified: tabooing of communist epoch and attempts to erase the memory; nostalgic perception of the Soviet period and the analysis of the history. Anthropological research is focusing on the analysis of materialization of perceptions, how people are embodying their insights. This process is always loaded with meanings. That’s why the artifacts and actions are important not only for those who participate in their creation and activities, but also for outsiders. The memory is created using the artifacts, symbols and rituals associated and connected with them. The case of the memorial of WW2 in the village of Zemo Alvani is analyzed according to the above-mentioned approaches and the decision is drown out that the attitude of the locals to the memorysite is defined by the multileveled memory. The memorial is combining the Soviet and post-soviet elements and thus is filling up the „empty signifier“ with the new meaning and function.


