მასალები ქართული ემიგრაციის ისტორიისათვის (XX საუკუნის 20-იანი წლები)


  • ნატო სონღულაშვილი ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის ისტორიისა და ეთნოლოგიის ინსტიტუტი


The study of the history of Soviet Regime is one of the actual and important topics of the contemporary historiography. This period of the 20th century is known for the variety of scientific evaluations, attitudes and positions in the World History. None of the historical periods arouses so much interest not only of historians, but also of writers, artists and filmmakers. There are many scientific works dedicated to the Soviet system in the Georgian and foreign historiography, and accordingly there occur various positions and attitudes. Hence, it is difficult and at the same time necessary to view the issues related to this period from a different angle and carry out new, objective research, find comprehensive answers to various questions, which still necessitate investigation.

The history of the Soviet regime covers the period from 1921 to 1991, characterized by the uniform policy and ideology; however, it seems so from the first view; in reality they have undergone definite ways of development. New ideas and ideologies originate and change throughout centuries. Attitudes towards historical facts and the style of their comprehension also change. Each epoch has its own challenges and tendencies. The Soviet policy was directed towards the sovietization of the states under the rule of Russia. For this purpose, both ideological and practical struggles were carried out. Similar was the situation in Soviet Georgia. For Georgia the period of 1921-1991 was hard and full of contradictions. It is important to analyze Georgian political emigration. Georgian political elit tried to improve the situation of Georgia.

The events, which had place in 1921-1991, have often become the objects of scientific research and there is immense specialist literature in this regard. However, the time transforms the attitudes towards the facts, evaluation trends also change, and in a concrete period, it becomes necessary to reconsider and reveal the tabooed facts of  history. The ideological survivals of the Soviet system still affect the mentality of the part of the post-Soviet society. This situation is favored by unilateral coverage of information and ignorance of definite historical sources by wide circles of society.






